Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Install Android and Set Eclipse for Android in MAC

Download and install Android SDK for Mac:

1) Download android sdk for mac from : 2) The downloaded sdk is still not in a usable format. This sdk needs to be updated with the required packages.
3)Browse to the installed directory >>tool>> and execute 'android'
4)This opens the 'SDK/AVD Manager' window. Select 'Installed packages' and you will see only one item under the 'installed packages ' to the right.
5)Click on 'Update all..'
6)Accept >> install all the packages.
7)Now you will see that the folder of android has been updated with many more sub-folders.
8) Hence now, the android sdk is in usable state.

Updating eclipse for android development:

1) In Eclipse , Help >> Install software. This opens an 'install' window.
2)Click on 'Add'. Enter the update site link : in 'Location' and give it a name, say , 'Android' in the 'name' field.
note : If the above update site link doesn't work, Try to replace https with http
3)Click, 'OK' in order to obtain the plugin list for android in the 'install' window.
4) Select the plugins to be installed >> next >> next >> accept >> finish
5) Restart eclipse to update with android.
6) Now from the menu bar of Eclipse, select .. Eclipse >> Preferences >> Android. (In Windows, Window >> Preferences >> Android).
7) Set the 'SDK location' by browsing to the root folder of Android sdk. In my case, I had downloaded android to the location, /Volumes/Macintosh Backup/ECLIPSE/android-sdk-mac_x86
8) Press, apply >> OK.

Hence now, Eclipse is set for Android application development. :)
