Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Removal of unwanted Plugin-s Actionsets from Toolbar of RCP

I noticed that "search" and "debug" were still visible in my RCP after I had branded and exported it.

The solution to remove these options from my RCP was to just include the below Extension in my RCP's plugin.xml file.

< extension point="org.eclipse.ui.activities">

< activity id="rcpcolibri.disablextensions" name="Hidden activities"/>

< activityPatternBinding activityId="rcpcolibri.disablextensions"pattern="org.eclipse.debug.ui.*" / >

< activityPatternBinding activityId="rcpcolibri.disablextensions"pattern="*" / >< / extension>

Monday, August 29, 2011

Quit Xcode via command-line

1) open Applications >> terminal

2) type, "ps aux 1 grep Xcode" >> Enter.

The above command will list a set of lines with possible xcode processes. Select the one which has the 2nd index statement of 4 digit number(????) with "xcode" in that line.

3) Now, type, "kill -9 ????" >> Enter.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Provisioning Profile for IPhone App

1) sign in with ID and password for apple.
2)Add the devices to which you want to deploy.
To do this, you need to have the device "ID" and name. The device ID can be accessed by selecting the device form 'Application > > Utilities > > Iphone Configuration Utility
3)Now click on "Provisioning" tab
4) New Profile
6)Select the device
8) Download the profile
9) Double click on the downloaded profile(file with .mobileprovision) extension
10)Click on "Add to Library"

Using this profile ID in XCode :

1) Open XCODE
2) select 'Build Settings'
3) in 'Code Sign' - select Profile that you just downloaded for all

4) Set AppID to "App ID in the provisioning profile"
5)set 'Bundle ID' of the file , -info.plist, to this same ID.

Now App is ready to be 'Build' and 'Run'.